Sunday, April 25, 2010

Whats been going on?

Our house has been very busy these last few weeks. Robs work moved them from Woodland down to Wilsonville this last week. The first few days worked out ok, but on thursday & friday... not so much. Poor guy got to work at 5:30 am & when he got there his truck wasnt even loaded yet. He didnt get to to leave the plant till 9 o'clock. He then had to drive back into washington to deliver his loads. He didnt get home till 9pm on thursday =( Friday was about the same, it wasnt till 9:30pm when he got home. That makes such a long day!! Hopefully this coming week will be a little better ran.

Landon is going to be 3 in a couple of weeks, & he is very excited. I cant believe my little man is going to be 3... crazy how fast it goes!! Anytime we are at the store and he sees something he wants, he says " I will be good & get this for my birthday " Latley too, everything seems to be a truck for him ; Our couch, the table, his little table & just about anyything. He opens the loading doors & puts his stuff in, then he will close the door & go deliver it. He has such an imaginaton it is so cute!!

Cameron has been crawling for a while now, and pulling herself to stand on anything & everything. She can stand for a little bit with out holding on to anything, but no steps with out holding on yet. She does walk with her little push toy stroller which is cute to watch. I cant believe how much she is growing... it goes by so-oo fast!!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you about how everything is going. I need more pictures, though!
