Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Xmas Pics

Time flys by

A lot has happened since I last posted. We had a crazy busy Christmas. We were at 2 different places Xmas eve before we settled at my moms house. When we woke up Xmas morning, we had breakfast, opened presents then headed out the door to go up north for a few hours to visit Robs family. It turned out to be a very nice but busy holiday.
Landon got new bunk beds for his room =) He does so good in it, and he loves them!!
Cameron is sleeping through the night (Woo-Hoo) She is an eating machine!! She has been eating baby food for a while, and every now & then she eats some adult food.
Landon is potty trained except for at nighttime & naps. He has been doing so-oo good with it it kind of makes me sad because that means he is growing up.
Rob had his 29th birthday on Jan 21st & we went to the Claim Jumper on Saturday the 23rd (kid free) to celebrate =)