Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Were ok =)

We have been fine! I have been not into blogging lately, don't know why! We all are doing good. Rob has been super busy with work ever since they moved down to Wilsonville.
A while back, Landon was sleeping too much. He was sleeping 14-15 hrs at night and taking a 3-4hr nap during the day. I was worried so we went and saw a sleep specialist after talking with his Dr. Dr Super (the sleep specialist) wanted us to do a sleep study, so we did. She read the results and told me that his breathing was being disturbed & it was causing him to not sleep solid. Our next step was to go see and ear, nose & throat Dr. She tried to do an xray on his tonsils, but Landon wouldn't hold still. She ended up having to put a little wand with a microscope on the end up his nose to look, and if you can believe it Landon held completely still while she did it... crazy! His adenoids & tonsils were both real big so that's when she decided they needed to come out. He went in on Dec 2nd, and he did awesome! He ate about 5 popsicles before we left =) The first few days were super rough, because I had to make sure he stayed hydrated. It took about a good 9 days for him to become 100% again.

Cam is doing great as always! She couldn't be more like her dad if she tried =) She still isn't a huge talker with real words yet. She does however talk in her babel all day long.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Jasmine, Cheri & GK

Climbing to the top!

Landon meeting Amy Roloff

The Lees & Amy

It was so neat seeing Amy! We have watched there show from the very beginning & love there family. It was surreal!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Landons music performance

This was the class' first sing aloud program & it was so cute to watch! They practice songs all month long, then at the end of the month the parents get to come & watch!

Cam & her Tu Tu

Cam & her Gram =)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just cute pictures!

Daddy & his boy

Lee Fam (minus Cam)

The Mr & Mrs

GK & her babies

My Cutie Man

These pics are from our day trip to Sisters Or. It was such a cute little fun town.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Three sisters mountains

We stopped at the view point on the way to sisters. It was such a pretty day!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Park Fun in Sunriver

Even when we are away, daddy always finds a park for some one on one time!